Seed care also grows into farmer care

In 2023 Yolandi Furniss joined the Syngenta Seedcare family as Marketing Lead. Yolandi comes from a history in the agricultural sector spanning more than 25 years. 

In her role she is not only driving the commercial success of the business’s range of seed treatment product and service offerings in South Africa but is also at the same time creating brand awareness and an understanding of the value of the treatment offerings available to support the business.

Yolandi comes from Springs, right on the borders of the maize fields planted in the fertile soils of Mpumalanga. Having worked in the agricultural sector for many years, she says it remains exciting to be part of the processes in the agricultural sector that correspond with the cycles in nature and to support the farmer throughout these cycles. “Syngenta is an amazing company that is focussed on creating value on every customer level. To be part of that remains a blessing.”

Yolandi remains hopeful about the agricultural sector and the role it can play in development in the country. “As role players in the industry, our responsibilities and roles are becoming increasingly valuable. As a company, our inputs, knowledge, and products are absolutely necessary to support the farmer in every day decisions and to remain sustainable.”

Her advice to young people would be to answer to the call when it comes. “If this industry grabs your heart and your core, then go for it! It is an amazing industry and the opportunities for young people to add value and make a real difference, are endless.” She adds that young people can be assured that they will always receive support if they show passion, drive, and commitment.

Talking to other women in the industry, she says that it is important to surround yourself with like-minded people. “You must acknowledge that you are unique and have something so uniquely YOU to add to the industry. This might just be what is needed to create a difference. Go and be the gamechanger. If you treat everyone as an equal, you will be treated as one too.”

Her favourite quote comes from the artist, Pable Picasso: The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away. And this is precisely what her motto in life is all about. “I am a hugger by nature and wish I could have meaningful hugs that could heal. If I may wish for a superpower, it would be healing – spiritual and physical healing.” 

Yolandi is the mother of three girls and grandmother to a 4-month old boy. “This baby turned my world around. I am also married to a great husband, and we live for weekends with the kids and our family.”

Family is important to her and says her dad has had the biggest influence on her life. He worked in the agricultural sector as well and absolutely loved his job. “All I ever wanted, was to be like him. And today many lessons he taught when I was just a child, still resonate with me today.”