Elrine Strydom teleporting the benefits of seed treatments to farmers

Although celebrating almost a decade in the agricultural sector, Elrine Strydom only recently joined the Syngenta Seedcare team as a Seedcare Technical Specialist. 

In her position she is supporting the Seedcare team and the entire product portfolio with all the technical aspects and by generating visual proof of the  benefits that the Seedcare products offer.  Elrine also provides support and training services to farmers, aligning with the Crop Protection development team to ensure that the seed treatments address the farmer’s needs.

The fact that she can live out her love for nature and research in her role every day, makes the agricultural sector and Syngenta a great place to work.  “Nature is ever changing and although there is little, we can do about it, we can come with solutions and adapt to these challenges. This gives me a great deal of hope for the agriculture and the environment.” 

The quote that helps to get her through difficult and challenges times, is: If God brings you to it, He will lead you through it.  And this also forms the base of her advice to other women and young people in the agricultural sector. She is a firm believer that if one works hard with the right mindset, one can accomplish anything you set your mind to. “Be focused and dedicated.”

Elrine is married with two children and to her, family is everything. She also acknowledges that her family had the biggest influence on her as a person.  “My family makes each day worth living.” 

If she had the opportunity to choose a super power, it would have been to have the ability to teleport. “To have the ability to quickly move from one place to another would have been wonderful. Just think of all the things one could accomplish by saving all that time!”