Late blight in potatoes

Product News

Late blight in potatoes

The current environmental conditions are very conducive to the development of Late blight on potatoes. This disease can be very destructive and preventative applications of fungicides such as REVUS®included in the Syngenta PotatoPack® will prevent problems from developing.

Late blight is caused by Phytophthora infestans, an oomycete or water mould which means the fungus relies heavily on water for infection, disease development and spread. Late blight is more likely to develop in cool wet conditions and is a more sporadic disease than early blight. Night temperatures of between 10 and 15°C with rain, fog or dew followed by daytime temperature of 15 – 21°C with high relative humidity for 4-5 days is the ideal conditions for late blight to develop.

A good preventative program protects the crop and ensures your yield. Figure 5 shows a potato field with two rows on the right where the control program was not applied and then a buffer row and the rest of the field was treated with a Syngenta PotatoPack®.

Figure 5: PotatoPack® vs. No PotatoPack®

crop using potato pack vs no potato pack

Contact us for more information. 


REVUS® contains mandipropamid 250g/l (Reg. no. L8617, Act 36 of 1947) Caution

Syngenta South Africa, Private Bag X60, Halfway House, 1685. Tel: 011 541 4000.

REVUS® is the registered trademark of a Syngenta Group Company.